All of the following books are works of Peter Pikkert:
A Comparative Dictionary of Religious Terms in Islam & Christianity
M. Numan Malkoç and Peter Pikkert – Though Islam and Christianity use the same words, their meanings are often understood very differently. In defining them Drs. Malkoç and Pikkert highlight the irreconcilable differences between their respective faiths. In the long process of writing they also demonstrate that deep differences in worldview do not preclude respectful interaction and a warm personal friendship.
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The Epic of God and Man
The Epic of God and Man retells the Old Testament narrative in chronological fashion and in its historical context, thus allowing its teachings and doctrines to unfold as they did in the course of history.
To be sold through and ALEV Books. All profits from the sale of this book go towards its translation into other languages.
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The Essence and Implications of Missio Dei
This book seeks to create a greater understanding of missio Dei, today’s foremost theology of mission. After identifying its main tenets, it traces its development both within mainline churches and in the evangelical world since the mid-20th century. It then seeks to address some of the concerns inherent in the model. 95 pages.
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Protestant missionaries to the Middle East: ambassadors of Christ or culture?
The work covers the history of Protestant Missions to the Middle East from its inception to the 21st century. Periodization reflects the political events, social norms, beliefs and convictions of the various eras, both within the Middle East and the home environments of the missionaries who left for the region. The book provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the progress of the missionary enterprise in a larger context.
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A Basic Course in Modern Turkish
This book provides a quick but comprehensive overview of the Turkish language. Its strength lies in its topical arrangement, its simple explanations and its index of suffixes for easy reference. In addition, the fact that every example is translated into English means that one is not left struggling with word meanings while trying to figure out a particular grammatical construction.
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Desecrated Lands
Ideological novel dealing with Christian Zionism.
A young Evangelical wrestles with such unequivocally biblical teachings as righteousness, justice and mercy, and their relationship with Christian Zionism and the imprecise doctrine of eschatology.
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A Basic Course in Modern Kurmanji
This book provides a quick but comprehensive overview of the Kurdish dialect Kurmanji. Its strength lies in its topical arrangement, its simple explanations and its index of suffixes for easy reference. In addition, the fact that every example is translates into English means that one is not left struggling with word meanings while trying to figure out a particular grammatical construction.
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Field Manual for the LACE Method of Language Learning
LACE is a combination of proven activities and techniques for serious language learners. It seeks to re-create the way children learn language by exposing the student to a lot of comprehensible input laced with new words or concepts, the meaning of which can be largely deduced from the context. The method is particularly useful for using with a Language Helper (LH). It enables them to create their own, cohesive program by integrating a various techniques they can carry out with their LH in a logical, step-by-step manner at their own speed.
The Fall of Christendom and the Rise of the Church
Traces the impact of philosophy, science and theology and shift from and agricultural to a post-modern society on Christianity. Sometimes complex arguments are present in a style accessible to ordinary readers. It then presents a model of the church as a counter-culture in whatever society it finds itself. An ideal book for students preparing to study the humanities in a secular university. 366 pages.
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